A postponement of the instalments of the scrapping ter and the balance and excerpt to March 1, 2021: this, according to what is learned, would be the government's guideline to prevent from December 10 those who have debts with the Tax Office vanga called again to pay, after the suspension decided in the first phase of the Covid epidemic. The measure should therefore enter the' menu ' of the decree Ristori quater, although still the text of the measure has not been closed.

The executive would also have assumed the stop until April 30, 2021 to taxes for those who have suffered loss of turnover due to Covid. The measure should come with the decree Ristori quater. The new decree will confirm for December the suspensions already arranged for the month of November for the red zones and will introduce a new fiscal moratorium, linked to the Covid crisis: it should in fact slip to next 30 April the payment of the second Deposit Irpef, Ires and Irap planned for 30 November. The measure should apply to those who suffered a decrease in turnover of 33% over the six months.
"A joint proposal at European level for new support for the sectors most affected by the crisis, in the coming months such as tourism, skiing, bars and restaurants". This is what the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri announced, after the meeting with the French Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire.
'The budgetary deviation that is being voted on in these minutes will allow us to intervene on the next fiscal deadlines by suspending them wider than the one made so far that concerned only the sectors of the Ateco codes.
We are working for the next decree that will use these eight billion for the postponement of tax deadlines for all economic sectors that have suffered losses', the minister also explained.
"The government's position is always the same: we consider that debts by definition must be repaid and are always repaid. And that the Italian strategy for debt cancellation, and its reduction is through a path of public finance that is focused on growth, on investment and on the financial policies and budget today, with the need for a strong fiscal stimulus, tax but as of course, as indicated by the Nadef, in the medium to long term must put the debt on a path of gradual reduction and sustainable," he added Gualtieri answering a question of journalists.
A postponement of the instalments of the scrapping ter and the balance and excerpt to March 1, 2021: this, according to what is learned, would be the government's guideline to prevent from December 10 those who have debts with the Tax Office vanga called again to pay, after the suspension decided in the first phase of the Covid epidemic. The measure should therefore enter the' menu ' of the decree Ristori quater, although still the text of the measure has not been closed.
The executive would also have assumed the stop until April 30, 2021 to taxes for those who have suffered loss of turnover due to Covid. The measure should come with the decree Ristori quater. The new decree will confirm for December the suspensions already arranged for the month of November for the red zones and will introduce a new fiscal moratorium, linked to the Covid crisis: it should in fact slip to next 30 April the payment of the second Deposit Irpef, Ires and Irap planned for 30 November. The measure should apply to those who suffered a decrease in turnover of 33% over the six months.
"A joint proposal at European level for new support for the sectors most affected by the crisis, in the coming months such as tourism, skiing, bars and restaurants". This is what the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri announced, after the meeting with the French Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire.
'The budgetary deviation that is being voted on in these minutes will allow us to intervene on the next fiscal deadlines by suspending them wider than the one made so far that concerned only the sectors of the Ateco codes.
We are working for the next decree that will use these eight billion for the postponement of tax deadlines for all economic sectors that have suffered losses', the minister also explained.
"The government's position is always the same: we consider that debts by definition must be repaid and are always repaid. And that the Italian strategy for debt cancellation, and its reduction is through a path of public finance that is focused on growth, on investment and on the financial policies and budget today, with the need for a strong fiscal stimulus, tax but as of course, as indicated by the Nadef, in the medium to long term must put the debt on a path of gradual reduction and sustainable," he added Gualtieri answering a question of journalists.